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dunce (/dəns/) cap is a pointed hat, formerly used as an article of discipline in schools in Europe and the United States. In popular culture, it is typically made of paper and often marked with a D or the word "dunce", and given to unruly schoolchildren to wear. Frequently the "dunce" was made to stand in the corner, facing the wall. Examples of behaviour which could warrant the dunce cap included throwing spitballs, passing notes, or pulling of hair. Class clowns were frequently admonished with the dunce cap.

I’m Sam - and I am the guy behind Dunce Cap Creative. After living and working in the London advertising game, I moved back to the States and have been focusing on filmmaking full time. From documentaries to brand films - music videos to shorts - I have been partnering with all kinds of creatives and companies to make beautiful and unexpected work.

I started Dunce Cap as a way to make the best work possible without losing my mischievous spirit.

So if you need me, I’ll be sitting in the corner thinking about what I’ve done.

Please send any inquiries to sam@duncecapcreative.com